Speakers come in a variety of
configurations, price ranges,
and sound timbres. Sometimes
you just have to hear the
speakers side by side for a
comparison. Sometimes you
have to hear the speakers in
your home.
You can have the audio controls
function as simply or be as
sophisticated as you want. From
wall mounted audio keypads to
handheld controls. From
Bluetooth to RF to WiFi, there are
plenty of choices. What makes
sense to you, is our goal with
your home system. Call us with
all of your questions.
Connect your TV room to play the
"Big Game" out on the patio.
Watch the latest DVDs streaming
over the internet on any
television. Listen to a radio
"simulcast" while watching the
video portion on the TV.
Integration of several components
or systems makes for simple
And Now ... Cord Cutting with Antennas
Antennas Direct wants you to know that over the air television
is not dead and cord cutters are headed back to broadcast.
The company has seen double-digit growth in each of the past
eight years, with 2010 revenues hitting $8.7M and 2011
forecast at $21M. Said company president Richard Schneider,
“This year we are on pace to liberate nearly 1 million
Americans from an unhappy relationship with their pay TV
provider while putting over $1.1B annually back in the pockets
of our customers.
Home Entertainment Design